Parents Finally Let You Get A Ball Python? How To Keep It Healthy And Strong

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Hello, my name is Trinity Bernard. Welcome to my site about pet care and training. When I acquired my first pet, I was determined to train him to do all of my favorite tricks. The only problem was that he was a very lazy cat. By using clicker training and high reward treats, I was able to convince him to sit up pretty, jump through hoops and much more. I have successfully used this training technique with many other animals through the years. I will help you approach this process with ease by updating this site with pet care and training content. Please feel free to come back again soon.


Parents Finally Let You Get A Ball Python? How To Keep It Healthy And Strong

29 September 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If you've finally talked your parents into letting you get a ball python, you're in luck. Ball pythons are just about the best pet you can have. They're easy to care for, and don't need a lot of fuss or worry. But, you do need to watch for a few problems that can plague your python. To help to keep your python healthy, here are four steps for you to follow. 

Avoid Overfeeding

If you've always had cats and dogs, you're probably used to feeding them a couple of times a day. Your python won't need nearly as much food. In fact, if you try to feed your python that often, you'll end up with a very sick pet. Your python should only be fed about once every 10-14 days. Feeding them more frequently than that may land them at the vet's office. 

Watch for Regurgitation

If you're used to caring for more common pets, you know that they can throw up from time to time. Cats tend to leave fur balls when they throw up. Dogs may throw up when they have an upset stomach. In most cases, the problem will resolve itself without any intervention from you. That's not the case with your python. If your python regurgitates, you'll want to keep a close eye on them. As soon as your python regurgitates, discontinue mealtime for at least a week. Once you resume feedings, reduce the size of each meal. The reduced meal sizes will give your python a chance to adjust to their food. 

Monitor Humidity Levels

If you have a new python, you'll need to monitor the humidity levels in your room. Pythons thrive in high-humidity environments. In fact, if the humidity is too low, your python won't be able to shed properly. Luckily, there are a few ways you can raise the humidity for your python. First, use a spray bottle to dampen the bedding in your python's enclosure. Second, get your python a bigger water dish. Consider also placing a humidifier in your room. 

Keep Your Eye on the Water

Finally, now that you're responsible for your own ball python, keep an eye on their water dish. Pythons can have a problem with mites. Unfortunately, mites aren't visible on your python. To identify mites, you need to watch the water. If you find small black specks floating in the water, you'll need to take your python to the vet. Those black flecks are actually mites.

For more information about pythons or ball pythons for sale, visit an animal store.