How To Make It Easier To Give Eye Medication To Cats

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Understanding Positive Pet Care and Training Techniques

Hello, my name is Trinity Bernard. Welcome to my site about pet care and training. When I acquired my first pet, I was determined to train him to do all of my favorite tricks. The only problem was that he was a very lazy cat. By using clicker training and high reward treats, I was able to convince him to sit up pretty, jump through hoops and much more. I have successfully used this training technique with many other animals through the years. I will help you approach this process with ease by updating this site with pet care and training content. Please feel free to come back again soon.


How To Make It Easier To Give Eye Medication To Cats

2 October 2017
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If your cat has been prescribed an eye medication, it can be daunting to even try to give it to them. Taking eye medication isn't even easy for humans, and chances are your cat has no idea why you're trying to poke it in the eye, and thus may respond badly. However, following your veterinarian's directions is necessary for your cat to be healthy, so follow these tips to make it easier to medicate your cat with eye drops or topical eye ointments:

Restrain Cat With Blanket or Bag

One of the best ways you can make it easier on yourself is to restrain your kitty. This can be done kindly with either a blanket or a special cat bag that will keep your cat from escaping from you.

If you use a blanket, start by draping the blanket over your cat's shoulders. Then wrap it around your cat's front paws with them tucked in, and wrap the back end of the blanket over your cat's bottom. Pull the blanket ends together to complete your do-it-yourself cat sack. Your cat should now only be able to wiggle, rather than being able to run away or scratch you.

Get a Partner

For this next step, you should ideally have a partner, especially if you're using a blanket to restrain your cat. Even with the following method, cats can be resistant to having anything come near their eyes, so having an extra person for help is ideal.

Use the Scruff

Ask your partner to gently scruff your cat while they're already immobilized. To do this, simply pull on the skin on the back of the neck. Gently tip your cat's head back and hold it in place with the scruff extended.

It's now up to you to give the medicine to your cat. Using your non-dominant hand, place one finger on your cat's upper eyelid and a second on the lower eyelid. Gently widen your cat's eye open, and apply the medication. Repeat the process on the other eye.

Once your cat has blinked a few times to let the medication fully disperse in the eye, you can release your kitty from the scruffing and the cat sack.

With a little practice, giving your cat eye medication will become easier for you and your partner. In time, your cat may adapt to the process and you may no longer need a second person or even a cat-restraining bag to medicate your cat. In the meanwhile, make sure to follow these steps in order to ensure that your cat has received the full dose of its eye medication.

Contact a local animal hospital for assistance.